The management team of STL has extensive experience in imaging and conferencing software. We believe that significant improvements in efficiency and quality of service can be achieved by educators, lawyers and other professionals using simple, interactive conferencing technologies over the Internet.

Founder, Chairman, and Chief Technical Officer
John Brenner is a graduate of MIT, and obtained a Ph.D. in Physics from Tufts University. After a major research career in image analysis at Tufts-New England Medical Center, he founded a company, ImageLabs, to develop a technology to allow physicians to conference with high-resolution diagnostic images. The software components for this technology, based on Unix, C, and X-Windows, were refined at ImageLabs into a commercial product. This work pioneered the basic idea of shared-screen conferencing with diagnostic imagery which is currently being commercialized by major medical imaging companies.

Starting in 2000, Brenner began to develop new java-based software for more generalized document conferencing that ultimately became FarSightNet, the first family of products from Space Time Links.

Senior Software Engineer
Daniel Ziegelmiller has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Arizona, and more than 30 years of professional software development experience in business and engineering applications. He develops software in many languages, including C, C++, and Java, and is currently a Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer.

Marketing Consultant
Vincent Spoto has had an extensive career in emerging companies, most of which involved imaging, and was the President and a founder of ImageLabs.