FarSightNet is the first of a family of software products consisting of servers and clients that offer the user multi-point conferencing with high-resolution document display and built-in voice communication.
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Features and Benefits:
FarSightNet is the most flexible, cost-effective, interactive document conferencing tool available because it incorporates a number of powerful and unique features in one package. The following is a list of features that together make FarSightNet an exceptionally versatile tool:
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System Requirements:
The FarSightNet Client can be run on systems with as little as 128 M-Bytes of RAM, and with any Pentium-level processors. However, performance with large documents will be greatly enhanced by additional RAM, and 512 M-Bytes is recommended as a minimum for most users. With Microsoft Vista, the RAM required at each version level should be regarded as adequate for FarSightNet.
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White Papers:
For information about the latest Space Time Links White Papers, please contact Jeff Brenner at jfbrenner@verizon.net or telephone 781.451.7661.
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