FarSightNet is the first of a family of software products consisting of servers and
clients that offer the user multi-point conferencing with high-resolution document
display and built-in voice communication.
FarSightNet is the most flexible, cost-effective, interactive document conferencing tool
available because it incorporates a number of powerful and unique features in one package.
The following is a list of features that together make FarSightNet an exceptionally
versatile tool:
The FarSightNet Client can be run on systems with as little as 128 M-Bytes of RAM,
and with any Pentium-level processors. However, performance with large documents
will be greatly enhanced by additional RAM, and 512 M-Bytes is recommended as a minimum
for most users. With Microsoft Vista, the RAM required at each version level should be
regarded as adequate for FarSightNet.
For information about the latest Space Time Links White Papers, please contact
Jeff Brenner at
or telephone 781.451.7661.