FarSightNet is the most flexible, cost-effective, interactive document conferencing tool
available because it incorporates a number of powerful and unique features in one package.
The following is a list of features that together make FarSightNet an exceptionally
versatile tool:
Installation, Operation and Security:
Easy Installation:
FarSightNet Client software is supplied as a Java "application" and as a Java "applet".
The "application" is easily installed and is available as a free download. Through the
Java "WebStart" mechanism, the FarSightNet application is automatically updated whenever
a user starts the application while connected to the Internet.
The applet version comes up in a browser window as part of an HTML page,
giving a user access to a FarSightNet Server with essentially no installation. Both
versions are fully featured but the applet can not access the user's local disks.
Independent Operation:
FarSightNet is "self administered" – any authorized user can set up
conferences without the need for involvement by STL staff or local IT professionals.
It operates independently from other tools, such as course management systems in
schools, or document tracking systems in law firms.
As is discussed below under "Independent Data Access", the FarSightNet system can be
used without sending documents over the Internet during a conference. Documents
can be pre-transmitted to all participants by any available secure means, and will load
automatically from each user's local disk. During the conference, coded signals rather
than words are transmitted among the conferees. If voice is transmitted by a secure
telephone link, no sensitive information need be sent over the Internet at all.
This feature (sometimes described as what you see is what I see -
WYSIWIS) means that each user in conference sees the same view of all documents.
If a particular portion of a document is visible on one screen, it is visible on all
screens, and in the same context. The system automatically produces windows of the
same raster size on all screens, no matter what the resolution of each screen.
Voice over The Computer Network (VOIP):
Transmission of voice over the computer network is a standard feature of FarSightNet,
and is integrated into the software. In one-to-one and one-to-many conferences,
this is the easiest way to provide the vital voice link. It also eliminates telephone
usage charges, making it most cost-effective.
Broad Document Access:
Import any document that can be printed, including multi-page documents, documents with
continuous tone images, no matter how complex
the content. Everything from simple word processor documents, to high-resolution
medical images, to complex architectural blueprints and engineering drawings can be
viewed and annotated in conference.
Multiple Document Windows:
Review and discuss material from several documents at the same time. Bring in
additional material to make a point without closing out the main document or
breaking the train of thought.
MultiBoard Creation:
Create multiple page "blank" documents that can be used as
the background for rapidly creating notes, homework assignments, tutorial material,
even lectures (mimics the multiple blackboards used in large lecture halls). Includes
optional "graph paper" (linear, semi-log, log, polar) for easy integration into math
and science curricula. Especially important for applications in education.
Annotation Tools:
A variety of annotation tools to fit many modes of presentation
and learning. All annotations can be made "in" or "out" of conference, and can be saved
with the underlying document (or MultiBoard).
Annotation by freehand drawing - selectable widths and colors:
Using the familiar pencil and paper paradigm, easily create complex "on the fly"
annotations, such as equations, without the need of complex software.
Text Annotation:
Create editable text boxes (Stickies), small or large. Cut and
paste text to and from other applications at any time. Text boxes can be iconified to
allow the underlying document to be fully visible at any time.
Voice Annotation:
Create voice annotations tied to "Sounder" icons on any
document or MultiBoard. When clicked, these play back, either in conference or in
stand-alone mode. Visual annotations of all types can be tied to the voice annotations
in order to provide a synchronized visual display with step-by-step playback of
Marker Annotation:
Instantly add stationary pointers and other user-selectable
markers to any document or MultiBoard.
Sound Management:
Sound annotations can be created, edited, and saved as local
disk files, then loaded into other FarSightNet documents at will. Sound annotations in a
variety of formats can also be saved from other applications and loaded as
annotations in FarSightNet.
Independent Data Access:
Any documents to be used in conference can be
distributed ahead of time to minimize network delays during the actual conference
session. This allows real-time interaction, with complex content, over low bandwidth
lines (e.g. dial-up connectivity).
This feature means that even off-campus students can take advantage of "virtual
office hours, and that entire courses can be presented at remote sites with no
additional network costs because the course content can be prepared on CD-ROM
and shipped to the remote site in advance. This also opens up the possibility of
extremely cost effective "remote service" where a factory engineer can assist a
service technician in the field with full interaction over phone lines (the schematics
and maintenance manuals can be delivered on CD-ROM with the machine.
Firewall Friendly Access:
Since the FarSightNet Server may be located outside of corporate firewalls, access is
usually not an issue – anyone with Internet access should be able to reach a
FarSightNet Server. Since a FarSightNet server never initiates a connection, firewalls
that block all incoming connections are not a problem. For firewalls limiting outgoing
connections, a FarSightNet server may be located within the firewall, providing the
ultimate in security when needed, at the cost of limiting access to users also within
the firewall. Of course, tunneling strategies may be employed as well.
Shared Pointer:
To enhance communication throughout a conference, each
document window is equipped with a movable pointer that can be accessed by all
participants. When any user moves this pointer, the motion is duplicated almost
immediately on all of the other screens in conference. In addition, the name of the
last user to move the pointer appears below it, to help each member correlate voice
and pointer annotation. Note that these pointers are shared objects, independent of the
users' cursors.
Other Interaction tools:
In addition to a shared pointer, all window scroll bars are
synchronized, and if a window is moved or resized on one workstation in conference,
the same changes will occur on all other screens in the conference. Finally, there are
tools that allow the users to magnify a selected portion of a document, zoom the
entire document, and adjust the contrast and brightness of the document display.
Private Windows:
It is possible to create additional document or MultiBoard
windows that are not shared throughout the conference. These can be used as private
"note pads", or can contain information that is not needed by the conference as a
whole. In applications in education, these windows provide a controlled exchange of
materials between students and the instructor.
Multi-Point Conferencing:
The number of computers in any one conference is not limited by the software, and
conferences with up to 20 conferees can always be handled effectively. Conferences of
more than 20 can be handled by appropriate servers.
Other Features:
Chat windows:
Although live voice is most effective for most conferences, there can be special cases
where chat windows are needed. Chat windows are provided in FarSightNet.
Attendance Roster:
A scrollable list of conferees is always available on each
machine in a conference.
Content creation:
Although FarSightNet imports content (documents) from
virtually any source, it is possible to create and substantially augment content using
the extensive annotation capabilities of the FarSightNet Client. The system provides an
easy path to adapt existing materials for different uses, and to create original
documents rapidly, either for one-time use or re-use later. In fact, the system is easily
capable of "rapid prototyping" of a wide variety of documents.
Document Transfer: Since FarSightNet can store any viewable document, with
annotations, as a simple disk file, it is possible to distribute documents in a number
of ways. Any FarSightNet Server provides storage for FarSightNet documents in designated
folders that can be accessed later under the control of a password or by access control
lists. Access can be read-only, without joining a conference, or jointly, while in
conference. However, it is almost as easy to save a FarSightNet document to local disk
and distribute it as an e-mail attachment. The FarSightNet Server is actually required
only for live conferences.
Sequential Annotation Display: This is a special display mode which can be
switched on from any FarSightNet Client, either in a stand-alone or conferenced
situation. When activated, visual annotations (drawn lines, markers, and text boxes)
are synchronized to voice annotations. The most common use is to present a
sequence of ideas to the user. For example, a physics teacher might begin with a
sketch of an orbiting satellite and add a voice annotation to state the problem to be
solved. Then the teacher would perhaps write down the appropriate equation and add
a second voice annotation to tell the student why that equation was chosen. Finally, in
a number of steps, the teacher would solve the equation, annotating each step with a
new voice annotation. Each voice annotation is automatically numbered in sequence, and
appears as a "voice icon" near the corresponding visual parts (sketch, equation,
solution step(s), etc.) When the student loads the file and switches to sequential
display mode, all visual annotations disappear but the sequentially numbered voice
icons remain. As each voice icon is clicked, the corresponding visual annotation(s)
appear as the voice starts playing. This gives a student the opportunity to go through
a "virtual lecture", at the student's speed, with the ability to "back up" to any point.
In terms of the familiar PowerPoint or other slide presentation, the effect is that of a
"build", but with coordinated voice description.
Guide Image View Mode: In any data window, the pages of a document are
normally viewed in "Stack" mode, meaning that the pages are arranged like the cards
in a playing card deck. A page control slider is used to move from one page to another,
and if a page is too large to fit within the chosen window size, scroll bars appear
automatically. Still, with really large documents, it is difficult to navigate within the
page at full resolution. Zooming down is possible but, of course, resolution suffers.
Our solution is "Guide Image" view mode, which is activated by a pulldown view
menu, on a window by window basis. In Guide Image mode, a "thumbnail" image at
a user selectable fraction of the window dimensions, appears in the upper right
corner of the window. When the user clicks in this "guide image", the scrollbars
automatically center the clicked point in the main window, and an outline of the area
shown in the main window appears in the guide image, as shown below.
By dragging within the guide
image, the user can scroll the main image to view any portion, while tracking the
location on the guide image (see below).
All of this happens synchronously on all other machines in a conference as well.
Server and Local Storage: Since FarSightNet documents are ordinary files, annotated
documents can be stored locally as well as on a FarSightNet Server.
Custom Importing (NEF): Through a system known as "Nonspecific Encoding
Formats", documents of many types can be made "native" to the FarSightNet system
on a customized basis.
Scanner Access: In future releases, direct access to scanners will be provided.
For now, since most scanners come with simple applications that store images in JPEG
or GIF format, importing images from scanners is already a simple process since
FarSightNet can read such images directly.
Cut/Paste to/from other Applications: Text from text annotation boxes and chat
windows can be captured and edited with the system clipboard, allowing text to be
imported from or exported to other applications.