For the fast-growing education form called online or distance learning, FarSightNet
provides the critical essence of a "face-to-face" interaction which is absent
in most current on-line teaching methods which employ email and chat-room discussions.
The system includes direct
Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP) for voice communication, which is free of usage
charges. Document manipulation and annotation is in real-time with all conferees
seeing annotation changes immediately. The interaction can be between a teacher and
student(s) and also among class members. The system is a powerful teaching tool
that solves the economic and convenience issues of higher education today while
maintaining the immediacy of traditional learning. FarSightNet is not an educational
management system but is for use directly in the virtual classroom to capture the
fundamental nature of teaching.
FarSightNet provides the best of both worlds: the immediacy of direct interaction with
the greatly improved economics and convenience that result from its remote capability.
Among its many capabilities, the system allows for teacher or students to load virtually
any content (i.e., documents) for discussion. Via auditorium control, both teacher and
students can write on the document, with any writing or drawing seen immediately
by all class members; but at the same time, the teacher can control the auditory
participation by the students. "Written" annotations include typed text as well as
free-hand drawing and writing. All annotations can be saved for later access.
Supplementing the use of prepared content, FarSightNet provides a blank multi-page
document (a "multi-board") for use in the same manner as the blackboards in a
traditional classroom. As with prepared content, under auditorium
control the teacher and students can annotate the multi-board and save the annotations
for later review.
In education, the FarSightNet system can be used to provide extensive
teacher-student interaction, a facet of on-line learning that
is often missing. Using the multiple page capabilities of the
system, a blank multi-page document (called a "MultiBoard ) can
be used as a substitute for the multiple blackboard systems often
found in classrooms. A lecture can then be given in the traditional
mode with the teacher drawing on a blank page of the document.
The drawings appear in real time at the remote location(s). If
the teacher wants to "go back" to a prior blackboard, it is only
necessary to move the page slider to the desired "blackboard"
In addition, "private" windows (visible only to one conferee) are available for
note-taking by individual students. Such notes can be printed or saved as files
for later review.
If a cluster of Tablet PC's is employed, these private windows also permit the instructor
to send documents (or pages from a lecture) to the students during a class, and allows
the students to return annotated documents to the isntructor for analysis and/or display
to the class. For example, in the middle of a physics lecture, the instructor can send
all the students a problem illustrating the concept just discussed. Each student can
work the problem on their individual tablet screen and return their results to the
instructor. The instructor can immediately describe common mistakes while all are
concentrating on the problem, and can display selected solutions to the class to show
both correct and incorrect methods.
Further, the ability of FarSightNet to import all printable documents allows
the students and teachers to choose the software they prefer for
creating documents, while still allowing interactive on-line (or "virtual")
office hours to discuss the documents. Thus, while individual students in an
English class may use different word processors for homework and papers, the
results are always available to FarSightNet. A class in architecture will
choose from several CAD programs, while a commercial art class will choose
from several illustrator programs.
In all cases, the student can submit a paper to the instructor in its
native format, or can convert it to FarSightNet format. With the latter format,
the instructor can then discuss the paper with the student in an interactive
conference ("Virtual Office Hours"), or simply grade it in the traditional "red pencil"
mode for return to the student. The marked paper can then be
viewed out on the student's computer and used as a model for a
rewrite using the original creation software.
The Virtual Office Hours scenario provides the interactive elements of conventional
office hours, at times which are likely to be more convenient for the student and/or
the teacher, and without the necessity of having the student travel to the school at
odd hours. This is particular important for working students since ad hoc
scheduling of meetings with teachers is often difficult to reconcile with
job schedules. And for inner city schools, Virtual Office Hours can be freely scheduled
in the evening when actual travel to and from the school might be dangerous.
If high-resolution images are required as part of a lecture (e.g. in astronomy),
these can be downloaded as needed from the teacher's workstation.
More importantly, if a large number of high-resolution images
are required, these can be downloaded to the remote location(s)
ahead of time, or even loaded on writeable CD's and physically
transported ahead of time. The "lecture" can then be given over
simple dial-up telephone connections since no large blocks of
data will be sent over the network. This is an ideal scenario
for on-line learning in "extremely rural" locations where high-speed
connections are unlikely to be available at low cost, if at all.